Whatever Happened To Fairuza Balk From The Craft?

Whatever Happened To Fairuza Balk From The Craft?

by | Nov 16, 2020

Fairuza Balk was a prominent face in film during her early years. She made her theatrical film debut as Dorothy Gale in Disney’s 1985 film Return to Oz. But Balk’s most prominent work was in the film The Craft, in which she stole the show with a mesmerizing performance. She followed that up with roles in The Island of Dr. Moreau, American History X and The Waterboy, before fading into the background. So what ever happened to her? Looper looks at the actress’ career and tries to answer the big question Whatever Happened To Fairuza Balk From The Craft? Enjoy…


Fairuza Balk terrified moviegoers everywhere with her spellbinding performance in The Craft. Since then, however, she seems to have dropped off the map. As it turns out, she’s been up to all sorts of things since she played Nancy Downs.

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