Videogames That Were So Terrifying We Simply Couldn't Finish Them

Videogames That Were So Terrifying We Simply Couldn’t Finish Them

by | Feb 1, 2018

“Us Brave Boys!”

It’s hard to hide behind a pillow when your playing a video game. Believe me i’ve tried! Whether you’re being chased by a psycho chainsaw wielding bag head, or lost within a fog drenched town, there are some games that really test your courage.  Those crazy folk over at PlayStation Access have been testing their own nerves with a look back at those games that they just could not finish. Videogames That Were So Terrifying We Simply Couldn’t Finish Them

“We’re all cowards at PlayStation Access, a fact we’ve recently been reminded of after playing The Evil Within 2. What better time to remember all those other games we never finished because they were simply too scary!”



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