Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Gone But Not Forgotten

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Gone But Not Forgotten

by | Oct 7, 2020

Whilst the Terminator films flagged badly after Terminator 2: Judgment Day, there was one shining light that look set to bring the franchise back on path. In 2008 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles hit the airways, with an epic cast, great story and impressive specials effects, the show brought it’s A-game to the flagging series. Starring future mega star Lena Headey as Sarah Connor, the series took off swiftly from the events of T2 and twisted a compelling story which was sadly cut short. After two series, the show was cancelled and the story was left untold. JoBlo Videos have put together a little video for you, which chronicles the rise and fall of the show in a homage to show gone before it’s time . Here is Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Gone But Not Forgotten. Enjoy…


The Terminator franchise is getting a bit of a rest these days in the wake of TERMINATOR: DARK FATE’s underwhelming box office. Likely, the rights holders are going back to the drawing board and figuring out a new way to continue the franchise. Perhaps the big screen is no longer the way to go? They would be well-advised to look back at the underrated “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”, which ran for two relatively acclaimed seasons on Fox, and starred a pre-Game of Thrones Lena Headey as Sarah. Join us on the latest episode of “Gone But Not Forgotten” as we take a look back at this series and reveal why a show that started out kicking ass in the ratings only lasted thirty-one episodes, despite many fans saying it’s the best Terminator content we’ve had since T2.



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