How to Kill Pinhead

How to Kill Pinhead

by | Feb 27, 2018

“We have such sights to show you!”

If you’re going to play with matches, better learn how to put out the fire. If your looking to stretch you sadomasochistic side, I know a puzzle box that you’ll just love. But once you’ve opened it, your going to need Kya Quinn and NowThis Nerd to help you deal with those cenobites and Pinhead. Taking a trip through the entire series, Kya’s ready to share with you the tips on how to put this ‘big bad’ down for good. 


Kya Quinn is here to help you prepare for Pinhead in the goriest episode of ‘How to Kill’ ever!


Hellraiser is a long-running horror movie franchise created by Clive Barker. Hellraiser began as a simple tale of sadomasochism from beyond the grave, and it’s evolved into a sprawling horror series starring the iconic Hellraiser Pinhead. Pinhead, Hellraiser, the two go hand in hand, and over the course of the Hellraiser series, from Clive Barker’s Hellraiser to Hellraiser Judgment 2018, there have been plenty of gory Hellraiser kills and Pinhead kills soaked with gore. But beneath all the blood and the high body count, Hellraiser explained a lot about how hell and the afterlife works, and we pored through the Hellraiser series for all the Pinhead deaths and cenobites explained to show you How to Kill Pinhead.


As a cenobite, he’s an angel to some and a demon to others, but along with his pals Butterball and Chatterer, Doug Bradley’s Pinhead is so much more than your typical slasher from horror movies. He’s scary, creepy, and mysterious, but he’s not immortal and, as Hellraiser Judgement explained, there are fates worse than death anyway. Hellraiser Judgement might not be the return to form Hellraiser fans were waiting for, but as long as there’s a Hellraiser puzzlebox or Lament Configuration to solve, Pinhead won’t be far behind.



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