How Do the Ghostbusters Classify Ghosts?

How Do the Ghostbusters Classify Ghosts?

by | Sep 19, 2019

“what you had there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm or a class-five full-roaming vapor!”

Ever wonder how the Ghostbusters classify their spooky spirits? It might have sounded like a load of mumbo jumbo, but the Ghostbuster confusing description of ghost actually has a real logical explanation behind it. The definition of different types of spooks and spectres comes from a complete classification system which has evolved from the film’s books and video games. Check out Channeling Spirits spooktacular video How Do the Ghostbusters Classify Ghosts? to find out more!


Ever wonder how the Ghostbusters classify their spooky spirits? Join as we take a detailed look across all medias to discover how these spirits are ranked. From movies, novelizations, roleplaying games, comic books, to video games, we explore how a passing line in the original movie inspired a whole classification system.



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