Halloween II (1981) KILL COUNT

Halloween II (1981) KILL COUNT

by | Sep 18, 2018

“I’ve been trick-or-treated to death tonight.”

The 1981 sequel to John Carpenter’s classic horror, Halloween, is about to wiped clean from the films chronology, thanks to the release of the new Halloween film this year. Halloween 2 expanded upon the story of Michael Myers, turning him from a psycho killer, into a man with a mission. The film planted the seed of Michael wanting to kill jis own family, and with Laurie Strode being revealed to be his younger sister, the franchise suddenly found a new direction to go in. Almost every sequel after this saw him hunting down members of his family, with Dr. Loomis biting at his heels at every turn. 

Continuing Dead Meats kill count series, we look at Halloween 2 and see what damage Michael Myers did in his epic sequel. 




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