First Time Watching ‘The Evil Dead’

First Time Watching ‘The Evil Dead’

by | Feb 3, 2022

Have you ever seen the Evil Dead? For many film fans, this classics bit of 80’s horror is still missing from their film repertoire, and whilst it’s noted as both one of the best horror films ever made and one of the most successful independent films of all time, many have not seen it yet. 

To get a ground view of modern audiences’ take on the film, Mrs. Movies from 
You, Me, & The Movies checks out the Evil Dead for the first time in in video of confusion, fear and laughter. 

The Evil Dead is a 1981 horror film that was directed by Sam Raimi and starred Bruce Campbell. The film follows five college students who go to an isolated cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons after reading from a book of incantations. If you haven’t seen this classic yet, do it now! Here is First Time Watching ‘The Evil Dead’. Enjoy…




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