Child’s Play (2019 Remake) KILL COUNT

Child’s Play (2019 Remake) KILL COUNT

by | Dec 4, 2019

The Child’s play remake hit cinemas in 2019, and you know what… it was not bad at all! Despite many other re-makes such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, hitting rock bottom, Child’s Play pulled out all the stops and created a new film that kept the basic idea, but spawned a potential new franchise. Whilst Child’s Play creator Don mancini is continuing his own franchise with a potential TV series, the new film was never going to step on anyone’s toes, and without the franchise fatigue you can get from big series, both films could potential run side by side for years to come. Dead Meat took to youtube this week with a video that looks at the Kill Count that the new chucky brings to 2019 film. Just how deadly is the new animatronic doll? Watch the video below to find out! 




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