7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth! [Video]

7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth! [Video]

by | Mar 25, 2020

Back in 2017, I invited your to explore 7 things that you really should not be putting in your mouth. A year later I started making a video adaption of this film, but it just sat on a server for years, gathering digital dust. Last year, the dust was blown off and I started to to re-edit it in the hope to get the video out before the end of the year. Sadly due to scheduling, it sat on the sever right up until last month. But now…it is done. It has taken two years for it to see the light of day, but here it is. 7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth! [Video]. I hope you enjoy this cinematic list!  

You Can read the original article right HERE


It doesn’t take a genius to realise that there’s certain things you just don’t place in your mouth. It could be the fact that they look, taste or smell slightly rotten, or that some weird looking stranger has just handed you a bubbling green liquid. Either way, the warning signs are there, and it’s probably a safe bet not to eat either of them. However, in movies, it does seem that certain people simply lack this part of the brain, that warns them against placing strange items in your mouth. It’s not that hard really. A lovely cream cake…. Good! The heart of psychopathic undead killer… Bad! In this article we are looking the times people just forget to not to eat nasty things. When hunger strikes, don’t eat the first thing you see! Here are 7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth.



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