7 Moments So Scary They Made Us Stop Playing

7 Moments So Scary They Made Us Stop Playing

by | May 17, 2019

“We have lots to fear…”

What’s better than a good horror film? How about s good horror video game. Being more immersed within the story creates a much scarier experience. The only issue is that you can’t just simply cover your eyes at the scary bits,, your only real option of escaping the horror is to stop playing. And that exactly what the outsidexbox girls and guys look out in this video. Looking at those moments that just made them say “nope”, the gang relive the games that were so scary they just had to walk away. Here are 7 Moments So Scary They Made Us Stop Playing.


We love scary games, but sometimes a freaky moments arises that scares us so hard we literally have to stop playing and curl up into a protective ball. Ellen and Luke of Outside Xtra join us to share our life-changing in-game scares.



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