11 Stunning Low-Budget Horror Movie Gems That Deserve Your Time!

11 Stunning Low-Budget Horror Movie Gems That Deserve Your Time!

by | Jan 28, 2021

The 80’s is often thought of as the golden age of Horror, and it’s hard to disagree. There were so many horror films released during the decade, that it’s not uncommon for even the most hard core horror fans to have missed some real gems. Marvelous Videos have brought together a list of 11 films that might have been missed by many horror fans, but deserve to be rediscovered. Here are 11 Stunning Low-Budget Horror Movie Gems That Deserve Your Time! Enjoy…


“Too much good stuff often makes us miss out on some of it! That is exactly what happened in the 80s when a myriad of big-budget and low-budget flicks were being made. It was impossible to check out every one of them, and many good movies slipped under the radar. In this video, we have brought you a collection of a few low-budget horror flicks from the 80s that will blow your mind!”



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