Passing the Balloon – IT Part 2

by | Jul 26, 2018

If there is one film you need to get excited about, it’s the growing EPIC that is IT part 2. The new film adaptation of Stephen King’s It iwas alwasy going to be split into two parts. However, the house that Freddy built, New Line Pictures, was not willing to put their money on the line like the did with Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Instead, they only funded the first part with a measly $35 million and hedged all best on a sequel. If the first one did well, a sequel would sure to follow. Lucky for us, director Andy Muschietti did a fine job and the sequel is now firmly underway. From what we here, the budget is much bigger.

This larger budget is reflected in the awesome cast that has been pulled in to play the adult Losers, which includes, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Andy Bean,Isaiah Mustafa and the wonderfull Jessica Chastain, who recently took to twitter with this amazing image below, which shows young actress Sophia Lillis passing on the “balloon” of their jointly owned Beverly Marsh!


 And even James McAvoy took to social media to celebrate the first day of shooting, with catering remembering his favourite British cheese snack. 


Day 1 on IT 2. Glad you got the memo guys. #passthecheeseplease #derryordairy

A post shared by James Mcavoy (@jamesmcavoyrealdeal) on


It chapter 2 will be bigger, better and hopefully more scarier, with plenty of nods to it’s first part.
No doubt we will see much more news coming from base camp, as shooting is already underway. Just be prepared for next year, when IT hit cinemas on September 6th.

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