Maggie Will Return to Walking Dead Season 11

by | Oct 8, 2019

It has felt a little like rats leaving a sinking ship on the Walking Dead, with some major leads walking away show. But there’s some good news for fans of the AMC show, as it’s been revealed that Lauren Cohan will be returning for the NEXT season of the show. Cohan starred as Maggie Greene, the eldest daughter of Hershel Greene, who would go on to marry Glenn and lead the Hilltop colony. She has been a huge part of TWD since her introduction in the second season, and so fans were quite unhappy with the events of last year, where she had left with very little pomp or ceremony , having her character simply being “away”. The 37–year–old actress departed the AMC horror series in 2018 after a failed attempt to gain equal pay with her male co-stars, but it seems that someone has finally won the day. 

Cohan made a surprise appearance on the NYCC stage during the show’s panel over the weekend. After sitting through the entire panel  wearing a Jason Vorhees mask, Lauren Cohan tore the mask off for a jubilant crowd. 



And if you missed the part about season 11…. YES there is going to be another season of the show. Running alongside the yet-unnamed second spin-off show and Fear The Walking Dead, TWD is set to be running for a fair few years yet to come. However, the comic books in which the show was based on ended this year quite suddenly.

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