Is Paramount Planning on Raising ‘Pumpkinhead’?

by | Nov 16, 2021

For any seasoned Horror Fan, Pumpkinhead is like a rite of passage. For those uninitiated folks that have not yet been blooded, Ol’ Pumpkinhead is a revenge demon conjured up by Ed Harley (Lance Henriksen) when his son is accidentally killed by a dirt bike. The rider and his his companions decided to vamoose, because they had been drinking, abandoning the boy rather than trying to save him. This pisses Ed something rotten and he conjures up the Pumpkinhead with the help of a witch.  The film grew three ugly sequels before become, like the creature itself, legend. Well, there seems to be some rumblings in the ground that a resurrection is being planned.

As being reported by Bloody Disgusting, it seems that the Paramount Players have already got a script in place and that a search for a director is already underway. Yes, it looks like we may be getting a modern revenge film that does not involve Keanu Reeves and his dead dog. 

“We hear a script is completed and that production is ramping up. Hoping to have director news in the coming months.”

The original 1988 monster movie was directed by legendary special effects guru Stan Winston, which means that any new director has some pretty big shoes to fill, let alone the prospect of rebooting such a precious commodity within the horrorverse. The film was Inspired by an Ed Justin poem.

“Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you’re tired of living,
His enemies are mostly dead,
He’s mean and unforgiving,
Laugh at him and you’re undone,
But in some dreadful fashion,
Vengeance, he considers fun,
And plans it with a passion,
Time will not erase or blot,
A plot that he has brewing,
It’s when you think that he’s forgot,
He’ll conjure your undoing,
Bolted doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs prowling in the yard,
Won’t protect you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead!”

Pumpkinhead didn’t make much noise at the box office, and made even less impression on critics at the time, but it’s certainly stuck it’s claws into Horror Fans. Much like films such as The Evil Dead, The Exorcist and Hellraiser, Pumpkinhead has become the crucible in which many of us 80’s bound nerds first cut our teeth on back in the golden era. So my word to the poor soul that decided to resurrect the Pumpkinhead is simple… don’t fuck it up!

Would you raise the Pumpkinhead? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @Lallen_UK

Stay in, Stay Safe, Love Horror!

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