These Horror Cakes are to DIE for!

by | May 10, 2017

Like many, you probably clicked on this page because it said CAKE rather than HORROR, and I’m O.K. with that. I’m not ashamed to admit that im a big cake fan. Like a dog on a train, Cake just brightens up the day. Apart from these monstrosities which will probably haunt your dreams…

Today we have such cakey sights to show!  UK Based Karen Mitchell , from Sugarlicious cakes by Karen, has been doing some amazing things with sponge and icing, conjuring up horrific images that you can eat. Cake making, is an artform onto itself, combining design, baking, sculpting and cake decorating. It’s certainly a huge achievement to be producing items of this caliber. Her recent creations, inspired from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and An American Werewolf in London , have been been causing quite a STIR, and have even won some awards. This little BITE of the horror life has given Karen the push to do more Horror based cakes and has even created a separate Facebook page, The Dark Side, to celebrate her dastardly creations. 

The Nemesis Cake

Karen Mitchell, the multi award winning cake artist from SugarliciousCake is here to delve you deep into the mysterious world of horror and fantasy cakes. Each Cake you see is completely uniquely sculpted with love and FEAR. SPecialising in horror, comic and fantasy genres, Karen’s one-of-a-kind creations are perfect for all you cake lovers with a twist out there, ranging from birthdays all the way to huge events. Bringing back the movie classics to life in edible form, take a bite out of your favorite movie monsters, just watch out, it might bite back. 

American Werewolf Cake

The Dark Side of Sugarlicious will be attending various Horror and comic cons this year, so makes sure you pop down to say hello, shoot the breeze and order some damn fine cake. I certainly know where to go for my next birthday cake…. 

Derby Comic – Saturday the 24th June

Swansea Horror Con – 1st and 2nd July

Swansea Comic Con – August 5th and 6th

The Mega Liverpool Horror Con – October 7th and 9th 

Birmingham Horror Con – 28th and 29th October

You can check out a full gallery of cakes below… HAZZAR!


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Horror Cakes
The Nemesis Cake
American Werewolf Cake
Horror Cakes
The Nemesis Cake
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