Jon Snow, Green Dreams and Joy. Episode 3 teaser!

Warning: Potential spoilers ahead for Game of Thrones TV show.


Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Teaser


The next episode of Game of Thrones could be the best yet, as the teaser trailer squeezes in 35 seconds or pure JOY!

Tonight’s episode of Game of Thrones is titles “”Oathbreaker” and could be pointing towards Jon Snow departure from the Nights Watch. After last weeks thrilling reveal, we could be getting more “Snow” than you expected, as the promo also reveals scenes from the Tower of Joy!

For those that have not read the books, the Tower of Joy is where Prince Rhaegar Targaryen took the kidnapped Lyanna Stark and also where Eddard found his dying sister in a “bed of blood”. Considering that Eddard returned home with baby Jon Snow in tow, it’s heavily hinted that Jon could be the child of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

Eddard Stark

With Bran Stark having green visions, the teaser shows us a clip with a young Eddard Stark confronting Someone. From what we have seen in previous trailers, this must be the epic battle Scene with Lord Eddard Stark and his companions (Howland Reed, Lord Willam Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, and Ser Mark Ryswell) fighting to save his sister. The battle will see them up against the greatest swordsman in westeros, Ser Arthur Dayne and fellow Kingsguards Ser Oswell Whent and Lord Commander Gerold Hightower.

Along with Jon Snow and Bran, the episodes promises more from King’s Landing and Meereen, as the power shifts quickly between the many contenders to the throne. On top of that Daenerys arrives at  Vaes Dothrak, a home for other widowed khaleesi and Arya continues her training at the house of black and white.

Check out the teaser below and also the stills released by HBO.


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