Bruce Campbell Doing a Live Commentary for ‘Evil Dead’

One of my best DVD’s was the he Evil Dead–Full Uncut Version from 2001 that came with many features including audio commentary from star Bruce Campbell. This audio commentary is still one of my all time favorites, thanks to Campbells brutally honest take on the making of the film. If you missed this disc classic, then do not fear, as the team over at “Watch With” have put together a very special showing of the Evil Dead.
Bruce Campbell will be taking part in a virtual viewing of Sam Raimi’s horror classic Evil Dead later this month, and the chiseled jaw star will be providing a live commentary! Yep, you’ll never see a showing quite like this.
Watch With provide a unique experience for fans
“Have you ever dreamed of watching your favorite movie with the star from that flick? Now is your chance to hand over the remote control to the stars and let them guide you through your faves like you have never experienced it before. Join the celebrity watch party and relive the movie through the eyes of the star – pausing the action to explain scenes, tell unknown stories about the action, or provide funny tidbits of trivia… straight from the source.”
Saturday, January 23rd at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST/2 AM GMT You’ll get an opportunity to join the Team along with Campbell.
“Join us, Saturday, January 23rd at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST for a worldwide virtual viewing of the 1981 Sam Raimi classic, The Evil Dead with live commentary throughout by Campbell himself. Watch the film with Campbell as he shares memories, stories, and anecdotes from the film, and for a few lucky viewers, Bruce will even answer questions from the chat. The Video on Demand will be available to view for 48 hours following the live event.”
But don’t worry if you can’t make the date as the show will be available on demand for 48 hours following the live event. Tickets start at $25 for the livestream and if you’re feeling flush, how about the $50 VIP tickets that will also get you a limited edition poster.
Head on over to Watch With website to pick up tickets.
Will you be watching? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @Lallen_UK
Stay in, Stay Safe, Love Horror!

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