by Lallen | Jul 20, 2021 | Latest, Video Game, Videos, Videos 2021 |
The Life of a Low Level Enemy in Dark Souls The Life of a Low Level Enemy in Dark Souls Being an enemy in a video game is tough gig that requires a thick skin and plenty of pep, but the life of a low level MOB can really be demoralizing. Once the protagonist has...
by Lallen | Jul 19, 2021 | Cooties, Latest, Videos, Videos 2021, Zombies |
Cooties (2014) KILL COUNT Cooties (2014) KILL COUNT Children can often seem like monsters, especial for their hard working parents who bend over backwards to fulfill their every request. In the 2014 comedy horror Cooties, the children are literally transformed into...
by Lallen | Jul 15, 2021 | Latest, Videos, Videos 2021 |
How Sound Is Used To Create Suspense In Horror Movies How Sound Is Used To Create Suspense In Horror Movies Sound is just as integral to a film as the visuals. In the horror genre, sound artist are often called up to create entire soundscapes aimed at putting the...
by Lallen | Jul 7, 2021 | Latest, Videos, Videos 2021 |
What Is John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy? What Is John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy? Thematic trilogies can be linked by any number of things other than the straightforward story aspect of regular trilogies. In the case of John Carpenter’s...
by Lallen | Jul 6, 2021 | Latest, Videos, Videos 2021 |
8 Movie Characters Who Test Audiences Killed 8 Movie Characters Who Test Audiences Killed Things were going so well for these movie characters before test audiences put a death sentence on them. Many studios rely heavily on test audiences to give key feed back on...
by Lallen | Jun 29, 2021 | Latest, Videos, Videos 2021, Villains |
10 Best Horror Movie Villains Who Only Appeared Once 10 Best Horror Movie Villains Who Only Appeared Once Not every movie villain gest a mega franchise off the back of their debut feature. In fact, there are dozens of awesome horror killers who only ever got a single...