Stir of Echos

Stir of Echos

Which of us, has not laid in bed at night, and heard creaks and cracks which could only be attributed some supernatural presence? David Koepp’s tale of paranormal discovery hits us where we are most vulnerable. We all enjoy the sensation of being...
Apt Pupil

Apt Pupil

In January 1942, during the Wannsee conference, several Nazi leaders discussed the details of the “Final Solution of the Jewish question”. It was this event that set human history down one of its darkest paths, that saw the start of The Holocaust. The...


Circle, circle, dot, dot, – Now you’ve got the cootie shot!  Cooties is a comedy horror, set in the laughably named Ft. Chicken, Illinois. A batch of infected chicken nuggets arrive at  Ft. Chicken Elementary turning the children from little horrors, into..ehm...
Invasion of the body snatchers (1978)

Invasion of the body snatchers (1978)

In deep space, a race of gelatinous creatures have abandon their dying world, and have taken root on earth. The alien invaders waste no time in starting the invasion, by duplicate the humans with emotionless “pod people” duplicates. It might sounds a...
The Blob (1988)

The Blob (1988)

After two failed attempts at watching the 1958 Blob, in which both times my Sky box failed to record the entire film, I gave up and decided to try the 1988 Remake. To my surprise, as the opening credits rolled, i found that this sci fi thriller was written...
Blood Diner

Blood Diner

I had a vague sense of Déjà vu as I watched this 1980’s slasher flick. I’m watching the film, finding little things here and there familiar. It wasn’t until the very last couple of lines of the film, that my memory suddenly kicked in I realised that...

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Stir of Echos
Apt Pupil
Invasion of the body snatchers (1978)
The Blob (1988)
Blood Diner