The Forest

The Forest

The Forest For the first time in ages, I went to see a film without watching the trailer for it. I’d of course heard about it, but it was ultimately a friend that suggested I should check it out, after they had seen it at the cinema. All that I really knew was...
The Crow

The Crow

The Crow Revenge is a dish best-served cold. So says the old Klingon proverb. Never has this been truer than in Alex Proyas’s neo-noir, pulp revenge fantasy about a man and a bird. Set in dark and dangerous Detroit, the perfect backdrop for 1970s crime thrillers...
Gnaw : Food of the Gods 2

Gnaw : Food of the Gods 2

Gnaw : Food of the Gods 2 Here’s one I pulled out from a box of VHS tapes, which is funny, as I don’t own a tape player. The box was filled with classic film, many of which you can no longer get hold of. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Food of the Gods 2...
Hellbound : Hellraiser 2

Hellbound : Hellraiser 2

When a film leaves you with so many questions left unanswered, you embrace a sequel like an old friend. It’s a chance for filmmakers to fill in the missing blanks by expanding upon what we already know. Hellraiser 2 is one of these types of film. A friend that you...
The Green Inferno

The Green Inferno

During the 80’s a number of nasty films emerged, clawing their way from the black depths of depravity, depicting cannibalistic tribes who would prey upon any young tourist that so happened to stumble into their backyard. Often based in the Amazon or some other...
Turbo Kid

Turbo Kid

Lets us rewind back to the 1980’s, a time where big hair and shoulders pads were the popular look. Bmx’s and walkmans were the must have gadgets and electro was growing as popular form of music. It was a time of bad music, awful style and of growing...

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The Forest
The Crow
Gnaw : Food of the Gods 2
Hellbound : Hellraiser 2
The Green Inferno
Turbo Kid