Trick r Treat

Trick r Treat

Trick r Treat If there’s one thing I’m guilty of, it’s of watching a lot of horror, whether it be Halloween or not. But when Halloween does come around, I do like to catch up on the more seasonal films to get me in the mood. This years treat of choice was the...
The Shallows

The Shallows

The Shallows When Jaws was release in 1975, it created a real sense of fear in the beach going public. People were genuinely unnerved by the film, and many beach goers refused to go into the waters.  The sequel even poked fun at those people with its classic tag line...
The Sand

The Sand

The Sand Sun, sea and sand…oh and giant tentacle creatures. The aptly named The Sand is a creature feature written by Alex Greenfield and Ben Powell with director Isaac Gabaeff pulling the reins on a small cast and even smaller budget. There are simply not enough good...
The Witch

The Witch

The Witch Films about witches are few and far between. Their relevance in our superstitions and beliefs have fallen since the dawn of the 20th century, yet once in a while we get a good witch film that pulls us back in. The iconic green faced, wart nosed creature of...
The Descent

The Descent

The Descent There is something about the unknown and the unexplored that captures the imagination. Just as we wildly fantasise about the wonders and oddities that await us in the timeless expanses of space, our minds also ponder the things that await us in the...


Ghosthouse If you want to find a truly creepy horror, you need to look no further than the Italian horror films of the 1980s. Argento, Bava, Fulci, Deodato and Martino, these directors helped to launch this italian-american sub genre with their own unique styles,...

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The Witch
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