New Suicide Squad Trailer

New Suicide Squad Trailer

The trouble with DC’s current franchises, is that they are a little dark of late. With Batman Vs Superman’s doom and gloom trailers really hitting home the seriousness of the films tone, it’s nice to finally see something fun rear it’s head...
Bates Season 4 Trailer Goes MAD

Bates Season 4 Trailer Goes MAD

If you’ve not been watching A&E’s hot prequel show Bates Motel, now’s the time to catch up before the fourth season hits the airways on March 7th. The show is an intimate prequel to the film Psycho, running up to the events of the film with...
Cloverfield 2 is Here!

Cloverfield 2 is Here!

Well that was a huge surprise. I turned on my computer today to the news that J.J. Abrams has been at it again. Not only is he producing the next Cloverfield film, but it’s been filmed and there’s also a trailer! Now this is nothing new, as the original...

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