by Lallen | Mar 25, 2020 | Friday The 13th, Latest, Lost Boys, Videos, Videos 2020 |
7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth! [Video] 7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth! [Video] Back in 2017, I invited your to explore 7 things that you really should not be putting in your mouth. A year later I started making a...
by Lallen | Feb 27, 2020 | Latest, Lost Boys, News, News 2020, Reboot, TV, Vampires |
‘The Lost Boys’ Reboot Cast Announced The CW have been trying to reboot 1987 vampire flick The Lost Boys for some time now, with a pilot being shot and rejected last year. A new pilot was quickly announced and now a cast has been assembled to bring the show to life....
by Lallen | Feb 7, 2020 | Article, Articles 2020, Fright Night, Gore, Latest, Lost Boys, Salems Lot, Vampires |
10 Horrific Vampire Deaths in Film 10 Horrific Vampire Deaths in Film Having recently binge watched a bunch of Vampire films, my mind got to thinking about the creative process that must take place when any vampire film is in early production, how are the vampires...
by Lallen | Oct 25, 2019 | Latest, Lost Boys, News, News 2019, Vampires |
Vampires Deleted scenes are part and parcel of the filmmaking process, with directors and producers under pressure to trim film run times and maybe even cut some of violence. It’s always great to see some of the scenes restored for DVD/BluRay releases so we can...
by Lallen | Jun 7, 2019 | Article, Articles 2019, Childs Play, Latest, Lists, Lost Boys |
10 Characters Dropped from the Final Cut If there is one thing an actor should fear more than bad craft services, it’s the illusive editorial period, where movies really begin to take shape. You may have called CUT on your scenes, but that does not guarantee...
by Lallen | Mar 22, 2019 | Article, Articles 2019, Blade, Childs Play, Dracula, Dusk Till Dawn, Fright Night, Latest, Lists, Lost Boys, Species, The Lair of the White Worm, Vamp, Vampires |
10 Sexiest Horror Vixens and Villains Horror and sex go together like peas and carrots. And even thought we could never rival a pairing as impressive as your favourite two vegetables, we thought we’d have a crack at paring our own terrible twosome, mixing horror...