by Lallen | Jan 19, 2018 | Aliens, Article, Articles 2018, Critters, Dracula, Friday The 13th, Hellraiser, Jason, Sci-Fi, Space, Vampires |
12 Horror Movies that Went to Space! Whilst the likes of Michael Myers and Freddy Kruger have not yet reached space, there has been a fair few horror franchises that launched their respected characters into the black void. It’s by no means coincidence that almost all...
by Lallen | Dec 1, 2017 | Article, Articles 2017, Food, Friday The 13th, Lists, Lost Boys, Vampires |
6 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth 7 Movie Things You’ll Regret Putting in Your Mouth It doesn’t take a genius to realise that there’s certain things you just don’t place in your mouth. It could be the fact that they look, taste or smell slightly...
by Lallen | Nov 28, 2017 | Friday The 13th, News, News 2017 |
Probably one of the most controversial of all the Friday the 13th films is about to get a chilling retrospective documentary! Dread Central dropped the news yesterday about the upcoming documentary ‘The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees: The Making of the Final Friday’...
by Lallen | Aug 9, 2016 | Friday The 13th, News, News 2016, Remakes |
Our friends over at Bloody Disgusting have just broke some cool news about the upcoming Friday the 13th remake. The Last Witch Hunter director Breck Eisner, is in talks to direct the new reboot of the slasher series. Being the 2nd attempt at getting the series back up...
by Lallen | Jul 11, 2015 | Aliens Films, Article, Articles 2015, Bad Effects, Evil Dead, Friday The 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Robocop, Shark, Terminator |
Bad Effects In Good Films Bad Effects In Good Films I enjoy films as much as the next person. but what really bugs me is when a terrible film effect makes it’s way into a good film. We are talking about something so terrible, so poorly presented, that it stick...