The Future is NOW!
It seems like people are getting pretty excited about a certain date coming up. It’s the perfect time to celebrate Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale‘s amazing Trilogy, Back to the Future.
In back to the future 2, Marty is attacked by a hologram of Jaws from the film JAWS 19. The little nod was a joke at the film industries about the growing amount of film sequels. As we are now only two weeks away from the date that Marty arrived in the future, October 21st 2015, Universal Pictures has released an hilarious trailer for the “future” feature, where we catch up with the previous 18 films. Simple but funny.
But that’s not all. You may remember the Air Mags that went on sale on ebay way back in 2011. Although they did not have power laces, people snapped them up, raising a whopping US$4.7 million was raised for dedicated to the The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s disease research. Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, and his wife agreed to match all donations bringing the total to US$9.4 million. Not bad for a pair of shoes with lights.
Any how, as the above film (and Nike) promised , we should be seeing the Mags with power laces sometime this year. And although we might not see them in the next couple of weeks, they are coming.
And even Pepsi are getting into the spirit of things. Pepsi has announced that on Oct 21st it will release a limited run of 6,500 bottles of Pepsi Perfect. Yes those weird looking bottles are going on sale. Though don’t expect to pick up a bottle in store, they will only be available online and at the New York Comic Con this weekend. Though you may have to cosplaying as Marty McFly to pick them up at the Con. Each 16.9 oz. bottle will come with a limited edition case, and will be $20.15 each. It might seem a lot, but let face it, no ones is actually going to drink it, unless you can figure out how to get the top off!
And as for hydrated pizzas… well , I made that up! But that’s not saying that we won’t get them, in the future!!!