Evil Dead: The Game Announced

Just when you thought he was out, they pull him back in! Yep, it seems like Bruce Campbell’s plans to retire Ash Williams has been put on hold AGAIN, as he returns to play the king of one-liner once more.
Evil Dead: The Game was announced at The Game Awards, and it’s coming to PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in 2021. Based on the iconic horror franchise, Evil Dead: The Game features both co-op and PvP gameplay, as teams of four are pitted against each other to “seal the breach between worlds,” or “take control of the powerful Kandarian Demon to hunt Ash and his friends while possessing Deadites, the environment, and even the survivors themselves,”
The new game will feature multiple maps, including the infamous cabin in the woods, and players will get to pick from over two dozen weapons, including Ash’s signature chainsaw and “Boom Stick”.
Brice Campbell said
“I’m excited to be strapping on the chainsaw one more time… Boss Team and Saber Interactive are planning a huge immersive dealio, and I knew I had to come back. You’ll be able to step into my shoes and kick some Deadite ass!”
This is the latest video game to be spawned from the franchise, and Bruce has yet to turn down the opportunity to voice his video game counterpart. Campbell also jumped in on the 1992 Evil Dead: Hail to the King, the 2003 Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick, the 2005 Evil Dead: Regeneration and the Ash Williams expansion for Dead By Daylight.
You can check out the trailer for the new game below.
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