Movie Poster Clichés – Rip and Reveal

Movie Poster Clichés – Rip and Reveal

by | Jun 26, 2020

Movie posters need to create a quick impression upon the viewing public. So impact-full and emotional imagery is key to a successful poster. Explosions, fire and plenty of gore are often used to give a quick and powerful message about the film. Yes, destruction can be key and one of the common ways of doing that is by ripping through the poster. From razor sharp claws cutting through the image, to tares revealing an extra image underneath, ripping can be a clever design choice. Here are a selection of posters that Rip and Reveal

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“Hello Horror Fans – These poster sure did let one RIP, but is that smell bad designs choices or something I ate for breakfast. I personally love to see the oens with creatures ripping through the paper for a scary reveal. What’s you favorite ripping design. Let us know in the comments below. I’ll see you next time…

Keep Rotten”


“Morti” The Mortician



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