10 Crazy Shark Movies

10 Crazy Shark Movies

by | Apr 21, 2017

They say that worse things happen at sea, well not all the time! The following films are Shark based horrors that took our favourite killer fish and completely threw out logic. You thought Sharknado was wacky, wait until you hear about Sharks that causally ride down avalanches, or happily swim through Sand and there’s also the weird hybrids. These are the craziest shark films in history, with strange plots and the worst special effects outside of an Ed Wood B Movie. 10 Crazy Shark Movies.


Snow Shark: Ancient Snow Beast (2011)

Snow Shark: Ancient Snow Beast (2011)

Looking like it has been shot in someone’s back yard and with the effects budget of the Blair Witch Project, Snow Shark tells the tale of an ancient snow beast, discovered by a group of biologists. Spoiler alter… the ancient beats is a Shark….that swims in snow!


Swamp Shark (2011)

Swamp Shark (2011)

An animal smuggling deal goes wrong, resulting in a large shark escaping into the swampy backwoods river. If you like Poorly animated cgi sharks, then you’ll love this tale about a renegade racist shark, swimming around in the Louisiana swampland.


Sharktopus (2010)

Sharktopus (2010)

A half-shark, half-octopus creature created for the military, creates a whole lot of terror in Mexico, as the eight-tentacled nightmare hybrid feats on bikini babes, jet-skiers and spring-breakers.


3-Headed Shark Attack

 3-Headed Shark Attack

From the makers of 2-Headed Shark Attack, come 3-Headed Shark Attack.

Cruise passengers fight to survive when a hungry, three-headed great white shark tries to feed on them. Apart from the lusciously stupid concept, the most amazing thing about this film is that they manged to rope much loved Danny Trejo into the mix. Oh.. and the film even includes a six-headed shark. I look forwarding to watching 12 headed shark sometime soon.  


Sand Sharks (2011)

Sand Sharks (2011)

A shark who swims in sand terrorises a tropical paradise.  Aided with a tirelessly meagre budget and a terrible cast, this self-aware horror makes for an effective sleep aid!


Shark in Venice (2008)

Shark in Venice (2008)

It seems like these salt-water beasts are getting everywhere, as the seemingly tranquil waterways of Venice are terrorized by the perfect killing machine. Thought the killer shark is simply a side story the main plot involving treasure and the mob. Stephen Baldwin is only slight more upstaged by the tragically bad CGI shark.  


Jurassic Shark (2012)

Jurassic Shark (2012)

When an oil company unwittingly unleashes a prehistoric shark from its icy prison, the Jurassic killer goes on a rampage. This low budget Canadian horror is filled with bikini clad beauties and bad visual effects, but boy is it a stinker. Check out the grammatical mistakes on the opening credits. You can’t make this stuff up!


Ghost Shark (2013)

Ghost Shark (2013)

When rednecks on a fishing trip brutally kill a great white shark, its spirit comes back for revenge, and soon turns its sights on the town of Smallport. Any film that involves a shark being killed with a grenade and a magical cave deserves some sort of love.


Avalanche Sharks (2014)

Avalanche Sharks (2014)

Avalanche Sharks tells the story of a bikini contest that turns into a horrifying affair when it is hit by (you’ve guessed it) a shark avalanche. Native American supernatural snow shark spirits terrorize skiers, bikini babes, and residents in a film that’s just as bad as it gets.


SharkMan (2005)

SharkMan (2005)

Sounding about as entertaining as a lap dance form a leper, Sharkman twisted plot sees a scientist turn his son into a shark hybrid when an experiment goes horrible wrong. Jeffrey Combs stars and is about as low as his career could get, with a terrible plot, an awful script and a large rubber shark-man suit.


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Snow Shark: Ancient Snow Beast (2011)
Swamp Shark (2011)
Sharktopus (2010)
 3-Headed Shark Attack
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Shark in Venice (2008)
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Ghost Shark (2013)
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