The Evolution of Freddy Krueger (Animated)

The Evolution of Freddy Krueger (Animated)

by | May 21, 2018

“One, Two, Freddy’s coming for you…!”


Very few franchise keep the look and design of their main protagonist consistent throughout the films series. With different directors and production designers, the look and feel of characters can change quite dramatically between movies.  Tell It Animated continue their evolution series with a look at A Nightmare on Elm Street’s Freddy Kruger and how he has changed over the years. Enjoy this beautifully animated video that take soin a journey to “The Evolution of Freddy Krueger (Animated)”.


Freddy Krueger defined the 80’s slasher genre, but he’s changed quite a bit since first appearing in A Nightmare on Elm Street. From scary to comedic, to whatever he was in the 2010 remake, this video goes through his changing looks, story and how to defeat him in Animated Evolution form!



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