Kickstarter offers a One to One Good Guy Doll

by | Apr 12, 2018

If your like me, and I’m pretty sure most of you horror fans are, you’ve been waiting to find a proper 1:1 Chucky Doll from Child’s play. I’ve seen them all, the mediocre, the bad and the very ugly. Luckily for us all one company is stepping up to the plate to offering fans our dreams come true… you’re very own screen accurate Good Guy Doll. Just take a look at the picture below….

Wow… Yep this is true collectors piece, in all it’s brilliant details. The genius behind these dolls are Trick or Treat Studios, who  offers high quality Masks, Costumes and Accessories, but are now venturing into something much more exciting. They are developing screen accurate Good Guy dolls, using actual screen used molds and cloth swatches from Child’s Play 2.

These Officially Licensed One-To-One dolls are available via a Kickstarter project which is currently running. For the first week, it’s only been available to the US and Canada, but they have just received licensing to ship to the UK, parts of Europe, Mexico and Australia, so now the rest of the world can help reach those all important stretch goals.

Whilst the Knife is a really nice touch, the big one here is a the box. Who would not want their new pal delivered in his very own screen accurate good guy box. Juts check the bottom of the box for batteries first! I know i’ll be checking back on the Kickstart page every day to see how we are doing. 

If your pledging towards the project, it’ so important that you spread the word via social media. The more people pledging, the better chances we have at reaching these cool stretch goals.  The project runs until May 5, and ships in December, making these an early Christmas present any horror fan would be overjoyed to unwrap.

They will be selling these dolls on their store, but it’s unclear if they will have a rolling stock, so grab one whilst you can. These Good Guys will surely be your friend till the end. Hi-De-Ho…

Order your Good Guy Today!

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